
PIM Merchant Guide: Improving return rates for apparel companies

The growth of online channels is resulting in more lenient return practices. Consumers view shopping more as a risk-free discovery of size and style rather than a final purchase. This results in high costs and risks for retailers.

According to Shopify Fashion Industry Report, the percentage of returns in this industry’s online channels is between 30-50%.

As the main reason for returns customers indicate problems with proper description of products, especially in terms of size, fit or color. These factors are indicated by almost half of the people who decide to return the purchased products.

Almost 62% of the returns of purchases made over the Internet are related to the desire to exchange the product for another one, and not to return it completely. The conclusions are obvious - the problem is the product content.

However, it is primarily about the information that specifies the parameters and physical characteristics of products, rather than general marketing descriptions or photos.

The key to lowering the return rate is therefore proper parameterization of product content.

To find out how Ergonode PIM can help you to better reduce return rates download our free ebook!

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