
Discover some of the best PIM features to make your team more efficient.

AI Content Generator

Automatically generate product descriptions based on attribute values with AI Content Generator. Customise which product attributes should be included in the generated content, speeding up the creation of rich and informative product descriptions.
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AI Translations

Easily translate product content with AI Translations. Simply select the Translate option for an attribute, select the source language and automatically populate the attribute with translated content from another language.
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Access Control

Define access levels for attributes and products based on user and user roles – choose from no access, read-only, or full edit permissions. Ensure data security and control by specifying who can view and edit specific attributes and products within your PIM environment.
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Activity Log

A detailed activity log offers precise tracking of data changes, activity reporting, and troubleshooting, providing comprehensive records of all users, API integrations, and Apps activities with advanced filtering options.
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Apps Framework

Expand Ergonode’s capabilities by creating custom applications tailored to your needs. Choose from existing apps, develop your own, or collaborate with our partners to build the perfect solution. Enhance your PIM experience with custom apps!
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Attribute Custom Fields

Create additional custom fields for select and multi-select attributes, enabling highly complex options. Options can now include detailed information such as descriptions, images, and additional text fields. Build specific data models and maintain consistency across your entire product catalog.
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Attribute Scopes

Attributes in Ergonode PIM can have two configurable scopes: Global Scope ensures attribute values remain consistent across all languages, while Local Scope allows for different attribute values to be defined for each language. Option values (select and multi-select attributes) can still be translated independently.
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Attribute Types

Ergonode PIM supports 12 types of attributes: Date, File, Gallery, Image, Multi-select, Select, Numeric, Price, Product relations, Text, Textarea, and Unit. Each type offers specific configurations to meet varied product data management needs.
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Attribute Variables

Easily create dynamic attribute values by inserting variables into attributes. For example, compose a "Name" attribute by combining values from other attributes like "#short_name #brand #color". Streamline your product information with flexible and customizable attribute management.
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Batch Actions

Select multiple products and perform a variety of actions simultaneously, including editing attribute values, product categories, media names, and product status. Additionally, export data to XLS, delete products, edit product collections, and assign attributes to groups with ease. Maximize efficiency by managing multiple products in just a few clicks.
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Discover the versatility of the Product Catalog page, offering advanced filtering options and a range of powerful batch actions. It offers three customizable views: a spreadsheet view for direct table editing, a tiles view for visually-driven assortment, and a kanban view for better workflow tracking. Save and share configured views for future use, enhancing collaboration and productivity among users.
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Catalog Kanban View

Track product statuses and completeness in a chosen language with Kanban view. Update product statuses using intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, enhancing workflow organization. Stay in a full control over the product data treatment process.
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Catalog Spreadsheet View

Configure columns, apply extensive filters and edit product information directly in the table. Simplify data entry by dragging cells to copy attribute values between products. Pin columns for consistent visibility and adjust row heights to optimise browsing comfort and productivity.
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Catalog Tile View

Visualize your product catalog in Tile view, tailored for a visually-driven experience. Customize grid columns and image scaling options to ensure your products are displayed exactly as desired—fitting seamlessly into your catalog's layout.
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Categories Management

Add customizable attributes to categories, including descriptions in multiple languages, images, SEO settings, and featured products. Easily add products to categories using batch actions. Create multiple category trees with a drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to prepare different category structures for various channels.
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Ergonode Transfer

Two-way data exchange, allowing both importing and exporting of comprehensive data sets. It supports all data types, including attributes, products, categories, templates, and media. The process uses symmetrical CSV files, compressed into a .zip archive, ensuring compatibility and standardization. This simplifies data migration, synchronization, backup, and management between Ergonode and external systems.
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Product Asset Manager

Easily manage and organize your product assets. This central repository allows shared use of assets across products and supports unlimited folder structures for seamless organization. Preview file metadata and optimize SEO with customizable title and alt texts for each language.
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Product Collections

Create static collections of products and manage user access privileges to these collections. This feature allows for efficient organization and control over specific product groups, enhancing data management and security.
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Product Completeness

Define required attributes within product templates and track their completion status. Monitor product completeness across multiple products in the Catalog Spreadsheet or Kanban views. Export only fully completed products for data integrity across channels and restrict status changes to enhance data reliability. Track team progress in enriching product data, optimizing efficiency and data quality management.
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Product Data Feed

Seamlessly select products and the desired attributes for export. Map attributes to custom column names for the generated CSV file using our intuitive mapping interface. You can download the file directly to disk or copy the link to use it as a product data source.
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Product Segments

Automatically group products based on advanced conditions such as attribute value, product category, product completeness, or product status. Segments are an excellent solution for integrations, allowing you to create groups dedicated to specific channels or apps.
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Product Types

Ergonode supports three types of products: Simple Products, Products with Variants, which combine Simple Products using binding attributes (e.g. size or color), and Grouping Products, which can combine any product type, including bundles of Simple Products and Products with Variants.
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Template Designer

Easily define attribute layouts using a drag-and-drop interface. Ensure catalog consistency and simplify new product creation by configuring default values, validation rules, and workflows within templates. Templates also include widgets like heading, divider, and note to enhance clarity and usability, enabling precise management of product data.
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Template Sections

Sections allow you to group related attributes together and assign them to specific templates. Changes made to a section automatically update all templates where it's used, greatly accelerating data management and updates across your catalog. Sections can have assigned dedicated Completeness Set, facilitating easier progress tracking within attribute groups such as SEO, Marketing, Technical Data, and more.
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Variants Generator

Automatically generate simple products (variants) within a product with variants (parent), ensuring they are correctly assigned. Customize SKUs for each variant, and seamlessly copy templates, categories, and attribute values from the main product to the generated variants for consistent and efficient product management.
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Manage product lifecycles with Workflows feature. Customize statuses and define transitions between them based on configurable conditions. Notify specific users or roles about status changes and assign workflows to specific product data views such as language or channel. Streamline your product management process with structured workflows tailored to your business needs.
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XLS Product Export

Easily export your catalog data to a .xls file with the Export to file batch action. Capture all the information from your catalog table, including column structure and filtered data, for seamless data management and reporting.
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XLS Product Import

Import product data into Ergonode using our intuitive mapper UI. Automatically map attributes, save import profiles for reuse, and manage imports effortlessly. Update existing products, create new ones, or both with a single import. Organize imported media using variable-based folder paths such as Products/#brand for precise media management.
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Ergonode PIM

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