Accelerate the descriptions of products in your e-commerce using variables

Illustration of an e-commerce platform displaying rapid product description updates using variables.

Introducing one of the most important functions in product information management - VARIABLES! Speed up your work, use mass actions, respect your time.

What are variables? 

Variables are a key function that allows you to easily manage your product data while speeding up the process of updating your products. With variables, for example, you can easily use technical data in the product description and to massively create hundreds of such product descriptions at once - each using its own unique data.

In Ergonode PIM, variables transfer the value of an attribute to another attribute. In this way, you can build a text field with values that change depending on other attributes. At the moment, we can use variables in the text area type attributes, including in rich text mode. Our development team is working hard to add more attribute types.

How does it work?

Let's take a closer look at this 'variables' function.

Our latest feature allows insert a variable into an attribute value. E.g. the ability to create a "Name" attribute value composed of the values of 3 other attributes: Name = "[#short_name] [#brand] [#color]".

That's not all! We can use the variables in Ergonode in many ways, even create an automatically populated size chart and effectively influence the reduction of returns, giving the potential customer what they need to make a decision. Watch the video and feel the power of variables with further examples:

E-commerce business is a constant challenge and advancement. It's time to take product information management to a higher level. Support your team and e-comm. If you are not yet using the variables function in your PIM system - what are you waiting for? Not only will it speed up your business processes, but it will also help you manage your product data more flexibly and efficiently.

Isn't that exactly what you need in your e-business?

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